Episode 4

Mother Teresa: A Model of Leadership for Turbulent Times

With Jeanette Petrie
Episode 4

Mother Teresa: A Model of Leadership for Turbulent Times

With Jeanette Petrie

Emmy Award-Winning Producer and Director. Guest Speaker at Columbia Business School.

Jeanette (Jan) Petrie produced an award-winning documentary on Mother Teresa and project director for Mother Teresa: Love in Action. Shot on the run over a period of 5 years in 10 countries on 4 continents, this award winning film follows Mother Teresa into the world’s most troubled spots. From the war in Beirut to Guatemala under siege, from the devastated streets of Calcutta to the ghettoes of the South Bronx, the film is an experience of the way Mother Teresa transcends all political, religious and social barriers with her works of love.

After the making of her documentary, Jan served Mother Teresa in a close capacity for ten years, until her passing. Jan is an Emmy award-winning producer/director and has been a guest speaker at Columbia Business School. She is a warm and compelling messenger for the principles that Mother Teresa lived by.

  • Thank you for sharing! Such a blessing for the week and so much to incorporate into who we are. Anna Pavlick
  • Thank you Hitendra for bringing this dimension to self-development from Mother Teresa. Rukaiya Joshi
  • Thank you very much. The last hour was love in action! Deepak Gujjar

In this episode of Intersections, Prof. Hitendra Wadhwa has a conversation with Jeanette Petrie on the topic “Mother Teresa: A Model of Leadership for Turbulent Times”.

How can the life and leadership of Mother Teresa inspire and guide us, especially in this moment of crisis? She set up an organization that is doing remarkable service to the poor and the destitute in over 130 countries. For this she won the Nobel Peace Prize, was recognized by Time Magazine as one of the 100 people in history who changed the world, was voted the most admired person of the 20th century by Americans in a 1999 Gallup Poll, and became a saint in record time in modern history.

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
Mother Teresa

The episode “Mother Teresa: A Model of Leadership for Turbulent Times” offers key insights on:

  • How to multiply your impact and build a loyal following
  • Why planning can be counterintuitive for maximising outer impact
  • The easiest way to bring change into your community now

Coming Soon!

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